The First 5 Things That Visitors Will Notice When They Walk Through Your Door

July 28, 2018


Home Improvement

Visitors Noticing When They Walk Through Your Door - Clera Windows + Doors

Perhaps you’re having your boss over for dinner for the first time or your in-laws are in town. Maybe you’re thinking of hosting Thanksgiving this year but aren’t sure what your judgemental siblings might have to say about your home. Although your home should be a reflection of your own personal style and character, it might also be in your interest to make a few upgrades to improve your home’s overall aesthetic and value while making the best possible first impression possible to your visitors and potential buyers if you’re thinking of putting your home on the market soon.

You’ve probably grown so accustomed to your home and your habits that you may not immediately notice some things that your visitors might actually scrunch their noses to. Not that it is a bad thing for your home to have some natural flaws, but here are the first 5 things that visitors will notice about your home:

1. Your home’s scent

Every home has a natural scent, like how grandma’s home always smells like home cooked foods anytime of day and your sisters home smells like an overwhelming combination of essential oils diffused in the air. Your home’s scent is part of your home’s character, whether it’s the smell of baked goods or musty weathered oak. Whatever it is, pet odour, mold and mildew are typically not favourable scents for the vast majority of people. Having operable windows to provide proper ventilation in your home can help to maintain a neutral scent in your home. During the warmer months, consider installing a storm door in front of your front entryway door, they are great for letting the most fresh air in while still be energy-efficient and keeping pests and bugs out.

2. The lighting

The amount of natural lighting in a home is noticed by everyone whether they are looking for it or not. When a room has a good amount of natural light pouring in through the windows, it is an instant mood booster. It makes the room look and feel more spacious and liveable. This is particularly noticed by potential buyers, they will also consider they layout of the room and where the windows are positioned in order to determine how much natural light the room will receive throughout the day. This is especially important for the overall energy-efficiency of the home. Brand new functional windows provide a wonderful extension of the home to the outdoors. Although great decorative lighting fixture are a great addition to every home, not everyone is super keen on artificial lighting at all hours of the day because of the glare and strain in can put on the eyes such as while watching television. It’s no doubt that natural light pouring into any room is a guaranteed first impression.

3. Signs of pets

It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t love pets, but as much as we all love pets, we don’t love the evidence of them strewn across our floors and sofas. Your guests are likely to notice the evidence of your pets before they even see your pet after walking through your door. If you’re expecting visitors, you might want to open up your windows and let some fresh air circulate as well as tidy up any stray pet hairs around the home. To reduce the amount of allergens circulating through the home, vacuum regularly to rid of any pollen pets carry in from outside as well as pet dander that can accumulate over time.

4. Decor and spaciousness

Adding your own personal flare with unique decor is always an added bonus to a spacious and tidy home. More importantly, a simplified layout of furniture will provide the best first impression to your guest and potential home buyers. Remember, a less cluttered home means a less cluttered mind!

In terms of the appearance of spaciousness for potential buyers, you want them to be able to walk into the room and be able to have enough space available for them to envision what they can do with the space if this home were theirs. Having windows which allow natural light to pour in and cover the surface of the room will also help the room to appear more spacious and bright which is an attractive feature for any home.

A feature wall in the front entryway is always a wonderful focal point for guests to feel drawn in and welcome. It’s the one space outside the bathroom that you could get away with using bold colours and hang an interesting piece of art. No matter which direction you take with style, your home’s decor pieces should be a direct reflection of your personal style and character.

5. Cleanliness

Cleanliness is always a good sign when walking through any door and into a new area. Cleanliness is inviting and shows how much you care for your home. Having a clean home can actually influence how other people feel while being in your home and we’re not just talking about the rapid 10 minute cleanup before your guests arrive, shoving and stuffing mess anywhere you can hide it. True cleanliness requires regular cleaning and maintenance of your belongings. Everyone can enjoy being in a home that is well-kept. Think about being in a home where the surfaces are just sticky, the washroom appears filthy, and the bottom of your socks get completely stained. It’s not a very inviting experience for anyone.

If you’re considering taking on a new home improvement project to boost the overall aesthetic, value, and security of your home, new windows and doors are one of the most popular home improvement projects being done today. Some home renovations reap more immediate benefits than other and window replacements is one of those projects that tend to provide a home an instant boost. Not only will it create a more beautiful and energy-efficient home, but it instantly increases the homes marketability. So while you’re looking for new ways to constantly improve your home and make a lasting impression on all your guests, start with new window replacement. Look for window and door professionals in your area who can help you make your visions a reality.

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